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Goalpost Goodies

Goalpost Goodies

This product may be available in multiple sizes. Please check your special instructions for guidance on size.




Bouquet Approx. 15" (W) x 18" (H)
Flowers, Foliage & Supplies*
15" Basket, Dark Wood, Local Wholesaler
1 yard Ribbon, Dark Blue Satin
1 bag Basket Shred
2 Green Apples, 2 Red Apples, 2 Yellow Apples, 2 Oranges
1 Football, Local Sporting Goods Store
1 Summer Sausage
1 oz. Bag of Peanuts
3 pieces Miniature Candies
1 box of Crackers
1 can of Cheese Spread
1 jar of Salsa
1 bag of Tortilla Chips
3 Bananas
1 Green Pear

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