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Home Run Basket

Home Run Basket

This product may be available in multiple sizes. Please check your special instructions for guidance on size.




Bouquet Approx. 15" (H) x 12" (W)
Flowers, Foliage & Supplies*
Dark Wood Basket with Handle, Local Wholesaler
4" Kalanchoe Blooming Plant, Yellow
1 yard Blue Ribbon
6 Miniature Candy Bars
1 Baseball, Local Sporting Goods Store
1 small bag of Peanuts
1 small bag of Shelled Peanuts
1 small bag of Sunflower Seeds
1 small bag Corn Nuts®
2 bottles of Root Beer
2 Pears, 2 Jonathan Apples, 2 Oranges, 2 Bananas
1 Red Apple, 1 Golden Delicious Apple
1 bag Basket Shred

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